An apartment is part of a collection of similar units in one building structure. An important feature is that you have to rent the place from a landlord. Oftentimes, apartments and apartment buildings have convenience factors like an on-site repair worker, laundry room, gym facilities or a pool.
Though you don’t get as much privacy – and you won’t be building equity in your residence – you’ll have many additional pros and cons to weigh when deciding whether to buy or rent.
An apartment is part of a collection of similar units in one building structure. An important feature is that you have to rent the place from a landlord. Oftentimes, apartments and apartment buildings have convenience factors like an on-site repair worker, laundry room, gym facilities or a pool.
Though you don’t get as much privacy – and you won’t be building equity in your residence – you’ll have many additional pros and cons to weigh when deciding whether to buy or rent.
An apartment is part of a collection of similar units in one building structure. An important feature is that you have to rent the place from a landlord. Oftentimes, apartments and apartment buildings have convenience factors like an on-site repair worker, laundry room, gym facilities or a pool.
Though you don’t get as much privacy – and you won’t be building equity in your residence – you’ll have many additional pros and cons to weigh when deciding whether to buy or rent.
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The Cape Cod style originated in the 1700s. These houses are charming but hardy – built to withstand the rough winters.
Original Cape Cod homes were simple with wood siding, roof shingles and a central door with a window on either side. Today, these same elements are incorporated, but the homes are built with more space and, therefore, more windows